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Have You Met My Friend Txakoli Yet?

by Krista

Txacoli_pourLet me present my new favorite wine. Txakoli! Not only is it delicious, it’s fun to say. (It’s pronounced something like CHA-kol-ee.) Txakoli is white. It’s sparkling. You pour it from up high. And it’s Basque. I predict it will be the new hot thing. That assumes it’s not already the new hot thing because, well, I have been living under a rock these last few months. I’ve found a couple of blogs that have written about the delights of Txakoli already–not too many, which suggests that the tipping point has not yet been reached…
Drink the Good Stuff
Elm City Wino
A Passionate Foodie
Thirst for Rioja
La Fromagette

Have you seen Txacoli in London? If so, where? And when? And did you drink it?

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