Home Miscellaneous Good Beer: St. Peter’s Organic Best Bitter

Good Beer: St. Peter’s Organic Best Bitter

by Krista

Img_1644I like beer.

There, I’ve said it.

I was, if I haven’t told you a million times before, an exchange student at the University of Innsbruck, Austria for a year in college. We had a beer vending machine in our dorm–something you’d never see in America–and we were a short hop from Munich, a city I lived in in 2003 for five months. (An der Ecke von Gabelsbergerstr und Augustenstr, gegenueber von McDonalds) in case you’re interested.) I’ve been to Oktoberfest twice. (1993 and then again in 2000.) I’ll go again this year if anyone is up for the field trip. In short, I’ve spent many a happy and relaxing and low-pressure Saturday (and Sunday, and well, the occasional weekday) in a German/Austrian beer garden.

I like trying new beers. Beers I’ve never heard of before. But truth be told, I’m a little behind on my knowledge of English beers. I’m determined to do something about this. And I’m starting with St. Peter’s. I’m excited to start here because The Jerusalem Tavern isn’t all that far from where I live, and at The Jerusalem, it’s all St. Pete’s all the time.

I tried St. Peter’s Organic Best Bitter the other Saturday with Ben & Gerry at The Charles Lamb. It was bitter. But I liked it. And now I can’t wait to drop by The Jerusalem Tavern and try some more.

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1 comment

Kake 2007 -

The Jerusalem Tavern is great! Get there early if you want a seat, though. As in 5pm at the latest.

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