Home Chinese Chinese: Four Seasons

Chinese: Four Seasons

by Krista

Four_seasons_menu Four Seasons
84  Queensway
W2 3RL
Tel: 020 7229 4320

Date of Last Visit: Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Victims: Rutton, Jay, Orvis

The Damage: £20 each

The Background: Running is both a good and a bad thing. It's good, of course, for your cardiovascular system. It's good for losing weight. It's good for increasing endurance.

It's bad, however, in that it creates–for me anyhow–a license to eat.

Meaning, I'm starving.

The Food: Not one but TWO whole ducks. Peking Duck and Crispy Duck. I can't really tell the difference. Shame on me.

Chinese broccoli. I want to eat all of it. I've always had a fondness for broccoli. Egg-fried rice, which I'm not so crazy about normally, but which I polish off like there's no tomorrow once it arrives. It's good. Sticky. Good.

A mysterious beef platter. We order the sizzling kind–you know, the type they bring to the table with a flourish while it's still making noise–but we just get something with beef and green peppers, no sizzle.  It's a little gooey. I prefer the duck pancakes.

All washed down with copious amounts of tea, water, and talk about property (of course) and our investment banking friends and the storm they're weathering.

The Loo: UGGGGHHHH. Plus, the floor outside the loo was coated in duck fat, I swear.

The Verdict: There's just something about that egg-fried rice!

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1 comment

A 2008 -

Arguably the best duck I’ve had out of all the Chinese joints on Queensway. Hope you enjoyed it!


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