Home FranceBrittany Créperie Le Connétable, Dinan, Brittany

Créperie Le Connétable, Dinan, Brittany

by Krista
Creperie dinan

Créperie Le Connétable
1, Rue Apport
F-22100 Dinan

Date of Last Visit: Friday, August 28, 2009

The Victims: Gerry, Ben, Sarah

The Damage: 20 euros. If that.

The Background: I’ve spent a lot of time today, trying to make sure my luggage weighs less than 10 kilos. Because you know, I’m flying Ryanair and carrying-on. So unless I want to pay a gazillion dollars (pounds…euros…whatever), I need to clock in at less than 10 something or others.

I am impressed with my own packing skills and manage to tip the scales at 8.5 kilos. Subtract the September issue of Vogue on the way back, and I’m at 8.25 kilos. I, in short, am awesome.

Crepes are a good reward. A very good reward. If I had the millions I deserved, I would hire someone to do nothing but make me crepes. They are, after all, a very versatile food. You can have crepes for breakfast. Or for lunch. Or for dinner. You can have sweet crepes. Savoury crepes. Crepes with nothing but butter. Crepes with Nutella. Crepes with banana. Crepes with ham. Yes, crepes. I like crepes.

Creperie cuteness

The Entrance: It’s never good to go to a restaurant you can’t pronounce. I need to remember this for later. But it’s so cute inside that I can’t imagine that the food will be anything less than good.

Creperie cider

The Cider: Brittany likes cider. I had no idea. When I think of Cider, I think Magners. But here’s what I’ve learned: There’s a lot of cider in Brittany. A LOT. And no one outside of France drinks it. So get yourself hip to the trend and get into Bretagne Cider now and you will be totally already into something very great later. We are hooked.

Creperie crepes

The Food: I get a ham and cheese and egg crepe. It’s like supermarket-Schinken. (Sorry, I’m writing this from Germany.) I am not impressed. The crepe is tasteless. Everything is tasteless. Honestly, a little salt and butter would have gone a long way. I am sad. no amount of cuteness can make up for this.

For dessert, I get an apple and vanilla ice cream crepe and this is much better. Between the cuteness and the ice cream crepe, Créperie Le Connétable is almost redeemed. Almost. But not quite.

The Verdict: Go for the cuteness. Not the food.

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