Home Bar Food The Pembury Tavern

The Pembury Tavern

by Krista

The Pembury Tavern
90 Amhurst Road, Hackney, E8 1JH

Date of Last Visit: Wednesday, December 17th

The Victims: Gerry, Ben, Matt, Carolyn

The Damage: £10

The Background: I've been wanting to go to The Pembury for ages. Because they have a lot of beer at The Pembury. Stonch has written about beer at The Pembury a number of times.

Luckily for me, Gerry has organized tickets for a Christmas pantomime at The Hackney Empire and The Pembury is a convenient meeting place beforehand.

The Entrance: The Pembury is large. It's a solid sort of place. There's nothing dainty here. There's also no one in the place at 6:30 on a Wednesday night, and for that, I'm grateful. As soon as the kitchen opens, we put in our food orders. We've already started making our way through their beer list.

The Service: The food takes FOREVER to arrive. This is bad. Because we seriously have to scarf it and run. We make it to the theatre with about three minutes to spare.

The Food: Parsnip soup for me. It's okay. It's very plain. I think it was advertised as being "spiced" parsnip soup. I can't taste much of anything. Eh.

The Verdict: I like The Pembury. I'm not so sure about the food, however.

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