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Off-Topic: Other Blogs

by Krista

I don’t feel like writing about food at the moment. And you know, I’m kinda mad. Time Out wrote about the Top 50 London Web Sites and I was not on their list. What’s a girl gotta do to get noticed around here?

So here’s some of my randomly favorite London blogs…

Wee Birdy: A London shopping and style blog. The author seems to hang out around some of my favorite places…can I say how much I LOVE Cheshire Street off of Brick Lane?

Route 79: This guy rides the bus and it takes him in all sorts of different directions. Good camera phone. Must find out what it is. I think he likes to eat too.

Living Out London:  Another gal about town in London. Are you sensing a trend here?

Dave’s Time Out in London: One guy’s quest to do accomplish Time Out’s 1000 things to do in London. Amazing.

I’m sure there are others. But those are the ones I can remember. Got any other suggestions for me? Are you a regular reader and a blogger too? Let me know your URL and I’ll post it here.)

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Knut Albert 2008 -

I have a beer blog, covering pubs and other beery matters across Europe, including London:

Stonch 2008 -

I was annoyed to be excluded too. We both deserved a mention! Bloody Time Out. Bah.

Krista 2008 -

Knut…I read your blog every so often and will add you to my Blog roll! Welcome.

Stonch…2008 is still our year.

Eater's Regret 2008 -

Ah TimeOut what do they know, eh? 😉 Perhaps next year you’ll be headlining that list, or they could just give food bloggers a list of their own!

Niamh 2008 -

Nice list! As for the Time Out one, there were a few conspicuous absences.

I have a London based food blog – primarily recipes, some reviews. I think you’ve stopped by before 🙂


Krista 2008 -

Niamh…sorry! I don’t know how I missed you. You’re on my London list.

Eater’s Regret…given that they’ve moved the food section all the way up to the front of Time Out, I don’t think you’re far off. (Heck, I remember when I first moved here in 2004, food got about one page in TO, if that.)

Annie 2008 -

My husband and I are Americans who moved to London last year. We are documenting our travels and experiences on our blog, London and Beyond. We are new to the world of blogging and I enjoy reading your blog. I have found it quite helpful and look forward to reading more about eating in London!


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