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Even Cleaner Living

by Krista

Img_2771If my last post didn’t give it away, I’ve been in Mexico for work. Yup, I hadn’t been to Mexico since 1996 and then I go twice in the space of seven months. This time, I was in Cancun. (Last time, I was in Cabo.) Cancun probably doesn’t rank high up on anyone’s list of gourmet destinations, but it was a good visit, just the same.

If you remember, my last visit to Mexico and all that guacamole brought on a two week period of clean living. For this particular visit, I was already in the throes of an alcohol-free January, which meant no poolside 20-ounce margaritas for Krista, and for sure no micheladas. I stuck with virgin daqueries and cranberry-sodas. Part of me was sad. But I slept well. Got up early every day. Got a great tan. And well, I still had my fair share of guacamole.

So with February 1 upon me, I considered treating myself to a fruity cocktail. Or enjoying a few glasses of Chardonnay out on the hotel balcony. Hmmm…too easy to slip right back into bad habits. I have discovered some new facts: the R-squared of kebab consumption and pinto grigio consumption is 100. The R-squared of black cabs with pinot noir is also 100. So I’ve ordered up some solid multi-vitamins packed with anti-oxidants, committed myself to the gym (really, I mean it this time), and well, I forsee a lot of carrot juice in my immediate future.

Being the cranberry soda girl at the table has its own interesting implications. I’ve already discovered that some restaurants can deal with it. But a lot of servers just can’t. Most restaurants in Cancun looked at me like I was certifiable when I declined their Dos Equis, their margaritas, and all that tequila. On my last night in Mexico, I had to declare I was pregnant with twins at La Parilla (an awful place, btw) to get the waitstaff to bring me an iced tea, a bottled water, and leave me alone. Sheesh.

Anyhow, this is all a long way of me saying that lately, my London food and restaurant blog has become more of a chore than a pleasure. But this clean living thing is switching my perspective a bit, which is sorta what I needed. So we shall see.

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RW Apple Wannabe 2008 -

I wish my work took me to the Mayan Riviera. I’m very jealous.

CancunCanuck 2008 -

Hi Krista,
Thanks for the link on your February blogs, much appreciated. Sorry you didn’t enjoy La Parilla, we always have a hoot there (perhaps the margaritas help). 🙂

I think most waiters here are truly surprised to find tourists that are not here to get blitzed. Sadly, most of them are. Good for your for sticking to your guns on it, sorry they gave you a hard time!

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