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Read This: Eat, Pray, Love

by Krista

EatprayAre you female? 30ish? Then you should probably read this book by Elizabeth Gilbert.

When I was in Mexico, all the gals had Eat Pray Love in their beach bag. When I was in Sardinia, Irina had brought it all the way from Chicago. It’s now my book club’s selection of the month.

If you like food, “eat” is the best part.

I read it in one day. I read absurdly fast–about my only boastable skill, which I blame on my friend Theresa, whom I’ve known since age 5; she used to challenge me to daily reading contests in 3rd grade, which got me into much trouble later on in life when I would finish my standardized tests way before anyone else–but it’s an easy and fun page-turner. Watch out though. You might want to pack your bags!

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