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Clean Living

by Krista

Img_1754In Mexico, I ate more guacamole than I ever have in my entire life. I have never really particular liked guacamole. Until recently.

I also had more than my fair share of fruity cocktails at the swim up bar. This was fun at the time.

But then I got back to London. And I felt like crap. And I knew I was off to Sardinia a few weeks later, where the cycle was likely to repeat itself. (Albeit without the guac.)

So I did something drastic. I embarked on a two week program of no meat, no carbs, no alcohol, and lots and lots of exercise and water. (I am addicted to this new machine at the gym–the treadclimber. Each foot walks on its own little treadmill that moves up and down. It’s fantastic.)

This also meant no dining out.

Sorry guys.

But I’m back–see, you didn’t even notice!–and 7.5 lbs lighter.

Bring on the carbs. Sardinia, here I come.

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BombayBeauty 2007 -

I’m back on the wagon as well. It used to be that I could eat and drink whatever I felt like when I traveled and return home lighter. Now I do the same and come hope 3 pounds heavier. And it takes twice as long to lose as to gain. Life is not fair! My wagon train does not ban alcohol, it merely bans more than half a bottle a night. It does however discourage most carbs. Think soup, salad, soup, salad, soup, salad… (and in the back of my mind thinking of my next trip abroad!)



Stonch 2007 -

When you have a passion for food and/or booze, it’s a tough life! I’ve been tough with myself for the last two or three months and am close to shedding two stones (which is 28lbs if you come from a USA, a country that seemingly forgot that 14lbs = 1st).

7.5 lbs in two weeks is good going – freakily so. Your body must have been SCREAMING for sustenance.

Krista 2007 -

I think it was much more that my body was really in need of a break, and the difference between HOW I had been living and how I lived for those 17 days (it was more like 2.5 weeks than 2 weeks) was tremendous. I am incapable of starving myself…but I am very capable of just eating fruits and veggies for a while!

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