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Una Fiesta Fantastica: La Perla

by Krista

11 Charlotte Street W1T 1RQ
Telephone: Tel: 020 7436 1744

Date of Last Visit: December 10

The Victims: Rutton, Michael

I had plans NOT to go out. I was scheduled to be at the homeless shelter at 8 the next day. But Rutton called to see if I wanted to do anything low key, and I said sure and before I knew it, I was over by the London Wall, having a cocktail. Then we started talking about Margaritas and I couldn’t remember the name of my favorite dirty place in Shoreditch. Rutton called information and they sent him the details for La Perla, so we headed out and had Michael join us there. Note that this place is by Tottenham Court Road–so not Shoreditch!

We had to wait forever for a table, but the bar guy was nice and we had some nice margaritas in those little tumbler glasses that I like so much better than margarita glasses. Then we finally sat down and things get really fuzzy after that because the two margaritas I had prior to sitting down must have had some extra tequila in them, because I was–to put it lightly–plastered. I think we got nachos, and I think Rutton thought the waitress was cute. And I remember that there were a lot of people from my country there, which I never do understand; doesn’t everyone understand the beauty and wonder of Mexican food?  Anyhow, I know I tried to convince Michael he was in love with someone, but he wasn’t buying it. We were the last people to leave the restaurant, and by some miracle of God in honor of my wallet, we made it into the Tube before the gates shut. But then I tried to take the "Brown Line" (aka the Bakerloo) home and was widely ridiculed.

The next day I woke up and felt horrible. Bad tequila! Bad!!!

The Vedict: I vaguely remember the food being good and the service being nice. But be wary of the margaritas! Dangerous!

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