Home Miscellaneous This is what I’ll be doing for the next two weeks…

This is what I’ll be doing for the next two weeks…

by Krista

Whole Foods DetoxHello 2011! Now to atone for the excesses of 2010, here’s what I’ll be doing for the next two weeks along with getting plenty of rest, drinking lots of water, exercising, and eating healthily. Detoxing. Yes. It’s only two weeks, right? (Although upon further analysis, The Complete Body Cleanse box says, “Your body will be working hard, so take it easy and avoid intense exercise. Hmmm…)

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Helen 2011 -

YIKES! You’re a brave woman…

Tori @ eat-tori 2011 -

Missed the link deadline- but have loved discovering your blog- just moved to London from Sydney this year and have found your archives invaluable! As for the detox- you’re a very brave woman….

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