Home United KingdomLondon Blackheath Farmers Market

Blackheath Farmers Market

by Krista
Blackheath farmers market sign

Date of Last Visit: Sunday, May 31

The Victims: Feathers, Matt, Anna, Stephen, Miles, Archie. Yup, a whole bunch of Americans, living in London.

The Damage: About £10 in total for some strawberries, some asparagus, and some very tasty raisin walnut bread.

The Background
: I am a bad friend. Since my friends moved to Blackheath, I don't see them as much as I used to when they were all in South Ken. I thought I'd make it up to them by making the pilgrimage out for the Sunday farmers market. And boy, was it worth it. This is a great little market, and remember it's only a few stops away from London Bridge! I thought it was worth a visit. And the best part is that because you're pretty close to Greenwich Park, you can make a picnic of everything, as we did.

Blackheath milk

Blackheath apples
Blackheath asparagus
Blackheath mushrooms
Blackheath strawberries

The Verdict: The Blackheath Farmers Market gets a great review from me. Check it out!

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Gourmet Chick 2009 -

Risotto mix – I love it what a brilliant idea. By the way congrats on passing your exam.

surfadelic23 2009 -

Thanks for the tip on distance to blackheath. I was interested in catching a rugby match out there and wasn’t sure how far it was…now I’ll also check out the farmers market as my Dad runs a stand at a Farmer’s market over here in the states!

Blackheath Bugle 2009 -

The market is really good at the moment… At certain times of year it can feel as though there are only a few mouldy carrots and a couple of apples, but right now it’s overflowing with wonderful strawberries, tomatoes etc. It’s also been frequented by celebrities recently: http://blackheathbugle.wordpress.com/2009/03/01/filming-at-the-farmers-market/

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