Home Blogging Creating Bzz: Become a Bzz Agent

Creating Bzz: Become a Bzz Agent

by Krista

–Shameless Plug Ahead–

So when I first moved to the UK, I read the NY Times online a lot. Actually, I still do. It’s how I found out about Typepad. But then one day, I read this article about BzzAgent. And it sounded fun and interesting so I signed up. Only problem was that they couldn’t ship anything to the UK, so my mom in Florida kept getting all this stuff for me to review (you know I love reviewing!), and she was stressing out about sending it all to me, and it just wasn’t working. So I stopped.

But this morning, I found out that BzzAgent is starting up in the UK! So I am Bzz-ing you all. Now of course, they are having a contest and the person who refers the most people to BzzAgent wins. This is a laborious process of me entering people’s e-mail addresses manually, which is a pain in the butt. And to be honest, I don’t really want the video iPod. So I am just buzzing you all generically.

Not really sure what a BzzAgent is? In their words…

Agents are everyday consumers who believe in honest word of mouth. In other words, they like to:

  • Discover and check out new products, services, books and other cool stuff
  • Share their honest opinions with people they know
  • Have their input and feedback taken seriously by companies and brands
  • Build social capital by being in the know and always having something to talk about

I think it’s a cool concept. And there might even be some food to review in all of this. So give it a shot and sign up to become a BzzAgent today

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helen 2007 -

so what do you have to do? actually talk about products on your blog or wherever you write online? or just feedback direct to Bzz about your thoughts on the product? it sounds super interesting. xx

Krista 2007 -

Helen–you don’t have to post online or anywhere really–although that could be considered bzzing, so you could potentially get credit for that. You basically have to try out the product and if you like it, you should tell people about it. I am about to start testing out a new woman’s razor…

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