Home Bar Food Saturday Afternoon Hangout: The Westbourne Tavern

Saturday Afternoon Hangout: The Westbourne Tavern

by Krista

101 Westbourne Park Villas

Tel: 020 7221 1332

The Victims: Rutton, Ashley

I love this bar. If I lived closer, I would go all the time. We drank wine, we drank beer. We snagged a table by the door and watched the people go by. There were rich people and poor people, posh people and not so posh people. (Although, part of me wonders if the not-so-posh looking people were actually posh people trying to look not-so-posh.)

The music was perfect–although they played a bit too much Red Hot Chilli Peppers for my taste. The decor was eclectic–chalkboards and old posters and photos–many many old posters and photos. And the place was packed. Plus, there was a great outdoor space.

Rutton ran into a dude he knew who I pegged as German immediately. That was funny. What are the chances? (That he would run into someone he knows, I mean. Not that the dude was German.) The world–a small place.

The Verdict: Go here. Bring large glamourous sunglasses. Learn Swedish.

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